Wednesday 31 December 2014

Cherry Pie with Cardamom

I promised you to write about one excellent recipe with cardamom. So today you can discover a new taste because of  cherry pie with spice that I was writing about two days ago. At first, you must prepare ingredients like: 
For short-crust pastry:
200g of flour
2 egg yolks
100g of butter
30g of icing sugar
2 tablespoons of cream ( take it directly from a fridge, it must be cold)
Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix with your hands very quickly. Cover the bowl and put it into a fridge for 30 minutes.

For filling:
0,5l of milk
1 vanilla pod
140g of sugar
4 egg yolks
50g of flour
Put milk with vanilla pod in a pot and place it over a heat. Mix egg yolk with sugar. When it will be like polish kogiel-mogiel add flour and mix it together. Remove the vanilla pod from the pot and add the mixture of yolk, sugar and flour. Simmer the milk until smooth. Cool before you will put it in a pastry.

Preheat oven until 180°C. Now you can take the pastry from the fridge and put it on a baking sheet. One more time put the baking sheet into fridge during 10 minutes. Then bake pastry during 20 minutes until gold colour. Put the milky filling into baked pastry.
Cherries with cardamom:
0,5kg of cherries
4 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 tea-spoon of cinnamon
0,5 tea-spoon of cardamom
2 tea-spoons of starch
Put cherries with sugar, cinnamon and cardamom in a pot and heat it. When it will be very hot, add starch and mix all together. Put cherries into the milky filling.

Now you can prepare a good coffee and taste your cherry pie! 
This recipe I found here:

Monday 29 December 2014

Spices: Cardamom


Today I decided to write something about cardamom. It’s the third most expensive spice after saffron and vanilla! Cardamom comes from the ginger family. For the first time it was founded in south Asia, in countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal. Nowadays Guatemala and India are the biggest producers of cardamom in the world. You can find two different forms of cardamom: green and brown. The second one is popular in Asia and Australia. You will hardly find it in polish shops. The green cardamom with minty aroma and strong taste is a common spice in Europe so you can buy it easily. Generally we use cardamom pods and seeds that you can hold in a small jar. You can buy also cardamom powder.


Cardamom is very popular as an ingredient in Indian dishes but you can use it also to prepare a delicious dessert for the New Year’s Eve. I will give you a very good recipe in my next post.